Organizer of latex events for all kinds of latex lovers where people can meet together, well experienced and not so well ;-)
Check out Iris's website if you want to know more about these events. It could be a wonderful opportunity to get to know other people, talk, dress up, sometimes even play a bit and express yourself and feel free.
Irresistible Iris
The Rubber Bunch
My latex adventure started a long time ago when I first went to fetish party’s in Amsterdam and saw the most amazing looking people. I was fascinated by the beautiful women, wearing latex catsuits and corsets, they looked invincible! Then I realized I had to have a latex outfit.
I wasn’t expecting anything really, just loved the look of it, and I wasn’t sure if it would look nice on me. I remember fitting a latex dress for the first time, without anyone explaining to me how to put it on, and I got stuck inside and couldn’t get it off any more. Not only that, but I was panicking completely. I was afraid to tear it. Much later, I learned to use powder or lube to put latex on properly.
It turned out that latex looked extremely nice on me, and it gave me such a confident feeling! So I didn’t have to worry about that any more, I started different styles and colours and I got addicted.
My first latex outfit, was a corset that my boyfriend bought for me for my birthday. It was very expensive (I also didn’t have so much to spend either, so it was quite a special gift) It was a black corset with a buckle on the front and lacing on the back. I experienced the wonders of tight lacing and creating a super sexy tiny waist.
Wearing latex makes me feel sexy and self-assured. It always feels like my self-confidence gets boosted when I put on latex. Sometimes it feels like transforming into my stronger alter ego.
I like to wear latex when I go to parties, but also sometimes when I am home, or go out to dinner. And of course I wear latex when I am performing.
Sometimes when I come home after a party, I don’t want to take off my latex outfit, because it feels so good, and I feel so pretty and relaxed. I guess 10 to 12 hours will probably be the max. However, wearing latex can sometimes be hard, especially when it's too hot, or too cold. Then it gets hard after a while and I need to take a shower to control my body temperature again. It's sometimes a case of mind over matter.
My three favourite items are: my black latex catsuit, my latex corset and my transparent latex hood.
I had so many exciting “adventures’ in latex. I performed once wearing three or four different layers of latex and different hoods over each other, eventually I stripped down until I was just wearing a transparent catsuit. That was very cool! And of course I had some very sensual private adventures (which I am not specifically going to describe) wearing my latex.
My most embarrassing adventure, was when I was performing in front of a large group of people and my catsuit tore (at the back), so I was almost naked. Luckily I could hide it from the audience because I put on the (very large) uniform jacket that my co performer was wearing. People didn’t notice, they thought it belonged to the show. I hurried to the backstage area
Sometimes it feels nice to provoke a little. I did that several times when I was still working in the centre of Amsterdam. Sometimes my fetish friends and me made videos and walked around the streets, playing a bit. There were occasions where I was walking down the street with a latex slave on a leash. We always had a lot of fun doing this.
The way I see it, it must be fun and look friendly and pleasant. For me it doesn’t feel good when the situation doesn’t feel safe. And I don’t want to embarrass people or shock them. But a little provocative can be fun under the right circumstances.
I guess it's different for everybody, but for me it makes me happy, and offers me an opportunity to “escape” from the ordinary, sometimes boring world. Latex can really colour up your life.
I would like to say; please be yourself and do what makes you happy. Never feel ashamed of being who you are. Don’t let people judge you because of it. And if you cannot share it with the people you know, find people who do understand. It will make you feel so much happier to share your fetish and be the person you want to be.
Latex Adventures Store is a proud sponsor of The Rubber Bunch